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What To Do If You Feel Like Quitting Your New Health and Wellness Goals

As we’re approaching the start of a new month, it’s a great time to check-in with the intentions you set at the start of the year:

  • What goals or New Years resolutions did you set?
  • What steps have you taken towards the big changes have you planned on making this year?

It’s well known that the majority of people that set goals at the start of the year quit before the end of February. One reason for this is that we lose the motivation to keep going. We tend to set goals with the end result as the driver to start, however when life gets in the way; work gets hectic, family life takes priority, or progress is slow, we slowly start to lose motivation as the end result seems to far out of reach and want to quit.

A powerful way to change this pattern in behavior is to change perspective towards motivation. Motivation is a daily practice that needs time, energy and consistent action to work and it’s a tool that can accessed anytime with the right systems in place.

Below are 5 things you must do keep motivated this year:

  1. Do What You Love

Make a list of the things you love to do, start to integrate 1-2 of these things into your current lifestyle, turn them into a consistent daily or weekly ritual. This will increase your energy levels, lift your spirit and create more motivation towards taking action on other goals.

  1. Do Something You Are Already Good At Doing

There is a lot of research out there showing that the more you focus on your strengths the more you will achieve and the happier you will be. Make sure you leverage on something you are already good at on a daily basis, this could be supporting a friend, cooking or starting a new fashion trend, whatever it is do it on a consistent basis.

  1. Breakdown Your Goal

As mentioned above, by only focusing on the end result of a goal, it is a quick way to want to quit. By breaking up your goal into smaller parts you will see progress quicker (which is a proven way to keep motived) and you can reward yourself at every stage, making the process a lot more fun.

  1. Hang Around Motivated, Passionate, High Achieving People

Have people in your life that expect you to stick to your word and wouldn’t expect anything less than you achieving your goal. When you speak to others who are passionate about their goals and what you are working towards it rubs off on you, you can’t help but feel motivated to continue.

  1. Look After Yourself

Keep on top of the basics including eating well, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, daily movement and managing stress levels. Maintaining the basics is a priority and essential for keeping energy levels high, a positive mind-set, focus & clarity and overall sense of wellbeing.

Health & personal empowerment coach Heidi Jones has been empowering her clients to use this approach for achieving optimal health and improved lifestyle habits for the past 4 years. Heidi’s coaching methods are underpinned with research, focus on implementing preventative strategies, developing a growth mind-set and action based self-awareness techniques. Visit Follow @heidi_jones_coaching

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