Apart from donning stunning gowns for the Met Gala 2015 red carpet, celebrities took their looks to the next level with statement headpieces as a nod to this year’s Met Gala theme, “China: Through the Looking Glass.”
Selena Gomez and Diane Kruger added a feminine touch to their respective looks by wearing flowers in their hair while Lily Collins made a statement with a veiled headband. Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Zendaya stole the spotlight with their bejeweled hair accessories. Sarah Jessica Parker, however, took home the crown for the most talked-about headpiece. The actress and shoe designer has a reputation for donning dramatic headpieces on the red carpet (remember the faux hawk at the 2013 Met Gala?) and her elaborate, fiery custom-made Philip Treacy design did not disappoint.
Here is our selection of the 10 best hair accessories that are sure to make an impact.
—Nouriah Al Shatti