Actress Emma Roberts, who plays Chanel in the new hit TV show Scream Queens, wore a Georges Hobeika dress in the series’ season finale. The white strapless dress, from the Lebanese designer’s Fall 2015 couture collection, featured an embroidered, 3D floral, embellished net bell skirt and a thin bowtie belt. The couture creation was accessorized with mirrored sunglasses, a pearl choker, white sheer knee-stockings, and pink Valentino Rockstud pumps.
Since the show’s debut, each episode has delivered a heavy dose of high fashion. Frothy furs, embellished dresses, and feathered frocks in a sugary pastel palette steal the spotlight and are just as sharp as the comebacks by Roberts’ character in the series. While, the first season just came to an end, you can still evoke your inner Chanel, by shopping her inspired wardrobe here.