Today in Jay Z and Beyoncé news, the power pair has released a trailer for their upcoming On The Run Tour, which kicks off on June 29. The nearly four minute video clip feels more movie trailer than promo short, and sees the couple unleash their inner Bonnie & Clyde—flashback to 2003—and wreak havoc. The clip boasts an impressive lineup of star-studded appearances (from Blake Lively, Sean Penn, and Jake Gyllenhaal, just to name a few), but we couldn’t take our eyes off Virgil Abloh’s signature Off-White camo jacket, which Jay Z is seen wearing at the 1:05 and 1:33 marks. It was only five months ago that the Chicago-born designer (who also happens to be Kanye West’s creative director) launched his Off-White streetwear label. As if his recent foray into womenswear and weekly contributions to Style Map weren’t enough to stir up buzz, a nod from music’s royal couple will undoubtedly put Abloh on quite a few radars.