Slinging a backpack over your shoulder is no longer an action reserved for the first day of school. Thanks to runway iterations from Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Fendi, the schoolgirl shape is having a second wind on the streets. We’d venture to say the movement kicked off with Cara Delevingne, who was spotted hustling between shows in 2013 with her childhood cobalt holdall slung over one shoulder. Fei Fei Sun made it through Paris Fashion Week with a Chanel spray-painted pack, Ji Hye Park was spotted in New York with a Mansur Gavriel option, and Liu Wen went for the cute factor with an alligator-shaped bag. Then came the celebrity endorsement: Lorde, cloaked in head-to-toe black Dior, waltzing up to the brand’s show in the Cour Carrée du Louvre with Kanye West, a black canvas knapsack firmly on her back.
Still not convinced? Find all the chicest options from our street style coverage in the slideshow below.
—Steff Yotka,