With a bird’s eye view selfie, accompanied by a heartfelt caption, former Lanvin creative director Alber Elbaz joined his fellow designers on Instagram. His first and only post, taken against a colorful background, also offered an insight into why Elbaz took so long to join the social media platform.
“I don’t do Instagram because I don’t have ‘photogenic’ friends…only good friends. And I don’t take pictures of food…I prefer to eat,” he wrote in an emoji-heavy caption. These were the reservations that he also shared with Kevin Systrom, co-founder of Instagram, after his last show in Paris. “But this past 2 weeks made me realize how many amazing friends I have…and yes, they are all ‘photogenic’…because they are all beautiful ‘inside-out’.”
While it’s too early to anticipate what his feed will look like, the designer might just use it as a platform to speak more openly about his surprise departure from the French fashion house after a 14-year tenure—especially considering both parties have been exchanging barbs over the last few days.