Ahead of the opening of its London flagship store, Dubai’s Boutique 1 co-hosted a dinner with international fashion blogger Leandra Medine of the Man Repeller in the British capital to celebrate the launch of the Atea X Man Repeller capsule collection. The private fete was held at the founder and designer of British brand Atea Oceanie Laura Myers’ Belgravia home. Landing at the Dubai-based, multi-brand retailer on June 20th, the capsule collection is the British label’s first to be available at the luxury shopping destination.
The founder of London-based concept store RSVP, Pippa Vosper, and stylist Martha Ward attended the dinner, and were joined by stylist and consultant Pandora Sykes; Boutique 1’s Paula Reed; fashion influencer Alice Naylor-Leyland; and model Katie Keight. Guests enjoyed a delectable menu courtesy of London’s renowned Cellar Society, which featured quails’ eggs on toast with black truffle; lemon ricotta ravioli with fresh basil; and lamb shank tartlet drenched in roast carrot cream. Those who had room for more indulged in passion fruit meringue tartlets and dark chocolate mousse with candied orange zest for dessert.
Atea X Man Repeller capsule collection will exclusively be available at Boutique 1 stores in Dubai and London as well as online starting from June 20th.