Are you among those who are bent on being more healthy this year? Start by making a body cleanse your top priority. In this Detox Series, our Fitness Guru Dannielle Blaker gives four different home detox programs a try and shares her experiences.
BRAND: The Organic Pharmacy
DETOX: Ultimate Detox
DAYS: 10
The Organic Pharmacy was launched by pharmacist Margo Marrone, who specializes in herbal medicine, nutrition, and wellbeing with a focus on natural and alternate medicine. She continues to be a pioneer within the organic skincare and cosmetics field. Marrone created the 10-day Ultimate Detox program with pharmaceutical-grade herbal extracts to help cleanse and repair the gut.
Follow the recommended food plan and take a course of day and night tablets for 10 days. The clay, organic psyllium, slippery elm, linseed, and green barley cleanse the digestive system and support the liver and kidneys. The acidophilus probiotic bacteria help repair it.
This cleanse is great as a “first cleanse,” as long as you can commit to 10 days of eating clean (no sugar, refined carbs, red meat, or caffeine) while taking a concoction of pills. By the fourth day, I noticed my skin was completely clear and glowing. I lost about 3lbs, and felt my mood had improved and I was less irritable. The booklet that comes with the kit is one of the advantages. I found myself referring to it often during this cleanse. It’s motivational and explains clearly how the cleanse works, what to expect, and a 10-day eating plan complete with recipes. I’d recommend following the eating plan as there are many delicious suggestions.
Read Dannielle’s reviews of the Raw Food Detox and the Total Body Rapid Cleanse, and check back for the Transformational Cleanse experience.