Two years ago today, Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West tied the knot in a lavish wedding ceremony in Florence, Italy. Since exchanging vows, the high-profile pair welcomed their second baby Saint, who joined big sister North. But the action doesn’t stop there. Kanye went on to launch a new album The Life of Pablo, and announced that he would run for president in 2020. However, one thing that hasn’t changed is that this power couple is still head-over-heels in love with each other. From coordinating outfits to over-the-top gestures and jet-setting around the world together, Kim and Kanye continue to prove that they’re in it for the long haul. And there are numerous Instagram pictures, Snapchat videos, and Twitter posts to prove it, just in case anyone was in doubt. In honor of Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West’s wedding anniversary, we round up seven sweet times the pair gave us serious relationship goals.
They mirror each other in everything, right down to their matching outfits.
Couples that front fashion campaigns together, stay together.
It must be true love when you enter a relationship knowing that you won’t be committed to just one Kardashian, but rather the entire clan.
Kanye makes sure his main lady arrives in style wherever she needs to be. Horse-drawn carriages are always optional.
Because a bouquet of roses for Mother’s Day simply won’t do.
Kimye’s engagement involved shutting down San Francisco’s AT&T Park stadium, fireworks, and a live orchestra. Not to mention a 15-carat diamond ring.
Kim Kardashian West is proud of her husband’s achievements—no matter how big, small, or ridiculous they may be.
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