Full eyebrows are big news this Spring. What do you do if you haven’t been blessed with the Amazonian arches of Cara Delevingne? Do you go down the usual route of brow pencils and powder kits to fill in those gaps? Or, choose the more extreme course of action and opt for semi-permanent makeup eyebrow tattoos to line and define? Here, the two options go head to head as we show you the pros and cons of each.
There was a time when any ordinary brown eyeliner was the tool of choice to fill in sparse brows; now, we live in an age where products have saturated the market to fill in the need for full brows. Pencils, powders, palettes, gels, and mascaras come in all colors and textures to match the whitest of blonde to the darkest of ebony colorings.
Traditional makeup solutions are a great noncommittal option for those who want to define with the odd gap filled in here and there. Although, they do require daily re-application and a relatively skilled hand, which can lengthen your makeup routine.
When choosing your brow product, go for a color which is two shades lighter than your hair.
Start at the inner corner of the brow using brush like strokes between the hairs and not on the surface.
After applying the color, brush hairs upwards and then set with a brow gel.