After beauty mogul Huda Kattan dispelled the stigma of women shaving their faces via a 30-second clip on her Instagram page, many took to the comments section to praise her for shedding light on the topic. Kattan explained that women who shave their face is nothing new, writing, “This has been going on for decades and is huge in Asia!” to her 13 million Instagram followers, before adding “I’ve been doing this for almost a year now and swear by it!”
Indeed, shaving your face not only removes the peach fuzz from your cheeks, but also thoroughly exfoliates your face and removes dead skin cells. The result is a smooth complexion that serves as a flawless base for your makeup application.
Before you sneak into the bathroom to borrow your significant other’s chrome razor and shaving cream, reach for a straight-blade razor similar to the one Kattan uses in the video above, and apply the smallest amount of pressure to avoid cutting or irritating your skin. Here, discover the 3 best razors for women to help you get started.