On Saturday, Egyptian-Lebanese jewelry designer Sabine Ghanem tied the knot with billionaire heir Joseph Getty at a lavish wedding ceremony in Rome. The newlyweds kicked off the weekend festivities with a Dangerous Liaisons-themed pre-wedding party in which Ghanem appeared as Marie Antoinette’s doppelganger with her hair teased to extreme heights and clipped in place with a flower adornment, incorporating a modern twist to the hairdo that swept in from the 18th century.
Her hair was styled by reputed hairstylist Alexandre Zouari, whose clients include Carla Bruni and Shirley Bassey. To give the hairstyle a modern twist, Zouari first created loose curls on the bride’s long, golden locks, before backcombing the hair in layers, top to bottom, keeping the focus on the top of the head. The hair was then swept to one side and clipped with a flower pin.
Ghanem’s bouffant hair remained impeccable throughout the night, suggesting the use of a heavy-duty hairspray, such as the Chi Helmet Head Extra Firm Hairspray (US $16; AED/SAR 58). The following day, the bride opted for a less elaborate but altogether chic updo that she veiled with her custom-made Schiaparelli hooded cape.