From double-C branded ketchup to white rubber dish gloves adorned with black camellia flowers, the aisles of the Chanel supermarché were abundant with color. The angular wings sketched onto the outer corners of the eyes reflected not only the range of shades in the collection (including pink, orange, green, and marine blue), but the bottles of fizzy, neon-hued “Tweed Bubble” soda lined up on shelves and ultra-ripe produce piled in the center of the set. The silver shadow base, however, played off the leather-and-chain-link shopping baskets that only this particular French grocery would have on hand.
The ponytails crafted by Sam McKnight were “blown up in proportion” and “exaggerated” courtesy of tweed rags, lace, and pearls that were braided and woven into crimped extensions. (Before being wrapped around the base of the pony, the faux strands were prepped with a combo of Fudge Salt Spray and Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray.) The motley mix of textures in back (somewhat reminiscent of dreadlocks) contrasted with the sharp and smooth center parts at the front. If filling my fridge and pantry was always such a feast for the eyes, I might be tempted to skip Fresh Direct and stock up in person.